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Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of Altoona Pennsylvania

is located at:

1433 13th Avenue Altoona, Pennsylvania 16601


Sunday Divine Liturgy, 10:00 am.


Words from Father Joe Cervo:


Visitors are Welcome

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, is a parish within the Metropolis of Pittsburgh, of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, under the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (Istanbul).


In the Orthodox Church, Holy Communion is reserved only for Orthodox Christians, who have prepared themselves through prayer and fasting.


During the Covid-19 pandemic, masks are required, along with maintaining social distancing in the church.


If attending, we invite you, at the end of Liturgy, to receive a piece of the blessed bread (Antidoron).


We encourage you to learn more about the Orthodox Faith and to feel free to ask questions, directed to Fr. Joe, directly, or through his email:


You are also welcome to leave your name and email at the candle stand, in the rear of the church, if you wish to receive the weekly sermon and other pertinent parish news items.

Wreath Fundraiser Check Mailing and Order Information

Please make checks out to: Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of Altoona, PA

Place in the memo of the check: "Wreath Fund Raiser" and the "#s" of the wreath or Bonnets that you would like to purchase

Checks can be sent to: Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church 

                                     1433 13th Avenue 

                                     Altoona, PA 16601

Please make sure that you enclose your address along with your wreath order # and the way you would like to retrieve your wreath (Pick up at the church or sent by mail) so that Mary (Our Council Treasurer) can send you a receipt and your wreaths can be given to you or sent to the right address.

Other Payment Methods

- Credit / Debit Cards

- Offline (Check) Payments

Payment Methods
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